Travelling Solo To Antarctica: What To Expect

May 20th, 2020 / Burnham Arlidge

Travelling solo to Antarctica can often seem daunting to the uninitiated, yet travelling alone actually comes with many rewards not found within a group. In this article we explain the positives and negatives when it comes to travelling on an Antarctica cruise solo.

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How Much Would You Pay For Four-Miles of beach, and Thousands Of Penguins?

December 31st, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Although islands come up for sale far more regularly than people think, very few come to the market offering five species of penguin.

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What's It Like To Eat In The Coldest Place On Earth?

October 15th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Two scientists wintering in Antarctica this year made it their mission to ‘cook’ some tasty meals outdoors. The results were epic.

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Cosmic Rays In Antarctica Have Scientists Baffled

October 8th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Cosmic rays in Antarctica have scientists baffled. Find out more here.

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Climate Change In Antarctica: Should We Be Worried?

May 16th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

The earth is steadily warming. Whether this is a by-product of human activity or a natural phenomenon, the data all points to one thing: by 2100 the average global temperature will be 5.8 degrees warmer than today.

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Skiing In Antarctica - Frequently Asked Questions

April 24th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Do you have a sense of adventure and a love for skiing? While the Swiss Alps is exciting, nothing compares to skiing in Antarctica. Find out more here.

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Snowshoeing in Antarctica: Exploring The Authentic Way

April 15th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Snowshoeing in Antarctica provides a unique opportunity to explore Antarctica’s untouched wilderness by foot. Find out more here.

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Antarctica Cruise Ship Facilities

March 15th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Whatever Antarctic itinerary you choose, you will certainly want to know what your Antarctica cruise ship facilities include. Find out more here.

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Best Time to Visit South Georgia Island

March 9th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

Deciding on the best time to visit South Georgia Island can be tricky. This article breaks down each season, giving you detailed information.

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The Southern Lights - Aurora Australis

February 26th, 2018 / Burnham Arlidge

The Southern Lights, commonly known as the Aurora Australis, is one of the world’s greatest wonders. Find out more here.

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